
Name of standards: IMO Model course 1.08

Link to standards:

Location information: Cape Verde Public University – Nautical School

Grade/Year: Professionals, dully certified by AMP (Cape Verde Maritime and Port Agency), according to the STCW convention (Standards of Training Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers) II/3 STCW 1995 as amended by Manila 2010.

Subject: Professional development

Standard (as written): Section A-II/3 of STCW 1995 as amended. Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch and of masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged on near-coastal voyages. Requires the evaluation of navigational information derived from all sources, including radar and ARPA, in order to make and implement command decisions for collision avoidance and for directing the safe navigation of the ship.  The interrelationship and optimum use of all navigational data available for conducting navigation on board merchant ships.

Design Principles Considered

During this short blended course we will be using webpages, such us, we will be posting videos, in, and, followed by discussion, transcripts, textbook and the IMO model course 1.08 will be available. We will be carrying on survey by, polls, quizzes, blogs, discussion forum, essays, formative and summative assessment will be available in our learning management platform which must be mastered by the participants. As regarding engagement, participants are expected to get in touch with the course coordinator by phone, webcam, forums or any other available mean at least every second week.