Bunker Surveys (ROB)

Usually, carried out to determine the quantity of Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil remaining on board a ship, at any time. They may be required at the time of delivery to charterers or re-delivery to owners, or after bunkering operation in order to ascertain the quantities and qualitities of bunker received from a specific supplier. In cape Verde we have two suppliers: VIVO ENERGY and ENACOL.  It is a documented evidence of the actual quantities of Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil at a given point in time and prevents later claims and disputes. The report includes the statement of bunkers remaining on board (HSFO, LSFO, MGO, or MDO) at the time of soundings, the grades specifications, the BDN (Bunker delivery note).  Along with bunker surveys, it is very usual to take bunker samples and send them to the laboratory. It is carried out to asses and certify the quality of the bunkers. It supports any possible off-spec claim or dispute, besides avoiding any possible damage to machinery due to the use of low-quality fuels. We witness and assure that samples are correctly taken following standard proceedings. After the attendance, the samples are usually handed over to the Ship´s Agent who send the to the appointed laboratory to be analyzed.